Pierre BessièreDVM, Phd student


Pierre graduated from Toulouse’s Veterinary School (ENVT) in 2017. For his Veterinary Thesis he studied inflammation pathways associated with cell membrane lipids. He then he worked as a Veterinarian allowing him to substantiate and affirm his techniques and diagnostic skills within a practice. At the end of 2017, Pierre returned to the Veterinary School of Toulouse and started a PhD alongside the joint-research unit INRA-ENVT IHAP within the Virology group.
He is now living his dream working with pathogens and birds for his PhD, whilst also maintaining his practical skills in veterinary practice. In his spare time he enjoys photography and travel. He hopes one day to be able to inspire future students, sharing his passions, working as a University lecturer and researcher.


Pierre’s research is conducted in the joint-research unit INRA-ENVT IHAP. He works on the emergence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses and focuses on the interactions between three different frontiers: the virus; the host species (chicken or duck) and the gut microbiota- It’s functions go far beyond the role in digestion. Pierre also works on other projects in parallel, with the above mentioned, such as the development of new bird flu vaccines.



– Maxime Fusade-Boyer, Gabriel Dupré, Pierre Bessière, Samira Khiar,Charlotte Quentin-Froignant, Cécile Beck, Sylvie Lecollinet, Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti, Jean-François Eléouët, Frédéric Tangy, Barbora Lajoie, Stéphane Bertagnoli, Pierre-Olivier Vidalain, Franck Gallardo and Romain Volmer. Evaluation of the Antiviral Activity of Sephin1 Treatment and Its Consequences on eIF2α Phosphorylation in Response to Viral Infections. Frontiers in immunology. 2019

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