Evaluate the role of wild birds in the introduction, maintenance and spread of major avian pathogens in poultry farms of South-West France
Describe the pathobiome of commensal bird species around poultry farms
After choosing poultry farm according to othe their proximity with migratory bird concentration area, inventory of migratory and commensal species will be performed and targeted (PCR for major avian pathogens) and non-targeted analyses (bacterial microbiome) will be done on these species. Molecular typing will allow prevalence estimation and assessment of pathogen sharing between wild and domestic birds.
Characterization of contacts between wild commensal birds and poultry
Use of molecular techniques (Barcoding) to detect indicators of previous wild bird presence inside poultry farms will be performed. It will be completed by fieldwork aiming to assess wild-domestic contacts through direct and indirect observation (camera traps). Those results will allow fine identification of involved species and qualitative and quantitative appreciation of contacts.
Identify role of commensal bird species in the epidemiology of HPAIV and other major avian pathogens
A mark and recapture study for species of interest as identified during tasks 1 and 2 associated to a longitudinal prevalence and seroprevalence study for HPAIV and key pathogens identified during task 1 will allow identification epidemiological roles of commensal species: maintenance host, bridge host…