The avian clinic is the support for the initial training of veterinary students, within the framework of clinical sessions in 4th year. In addition, a further training course “Poultry farming and avian pathology” is offered to students from the 4 ENV (veterinary schools), in 5th year within the framework of the Dominant “Medicine of production animals”.
The breeding clinic provides training for students in population medicine on specific cases in a professional situation. Therefore, we offer to the professionals in the poultry sector a mobile consultation service, which is a support for our educational action. These visits are carried out on the following principle:
- Request for a visit, via the referring veterinarian of the farm or organisation
- Preparation of the visit, one or two days before the visit
- Carrying out the visit, by the teacher-researcher accompanied by a group of students (2 to 6 depending on the type of case)
- Writing and returning a report to the applicant, completed by any additional examinations.

The team also responds to requests for documentary support, expertise or diagnostic guidance.
This support can take the form of teleconsultation, using new communication tools (videoconferencing, Skype) to work effectively remotely, including internationally: consult us.
For ethical reasons, interventions, on site or in teleconsultation, are undertaken in conjunction with “sanitary veterinarians”. Geographically, our interventions are carried out on a routine basis in the Occitanie and Nouvelle Aquitaine regions.
Referral case studies are regularly carried out at national level, particularly in the Pays de la Loire and Bretagne regions, but also in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and in the large livestock production basin in northern Spain (Catalonia and Aragon).