13th “Journées de la recherche avicole et palmipèdes à foie gras” (Poultry and Palmipeds Research Days)
The ENVT was very strongly represented at the 13th “Journées de la recherche avicole et palmipèdes à foie gras (JRA)” which were held in Tours on 20th and 21st March. This event, which takes place every 2 years, allows poultry researchers and professionals to present their work and exchange ideas for 2 days.
The teams of the UMR IHAP ENVT- INRA (Chair of Avian Biosecurity) presented two invited conferences (Mathilde Paul on antibiotic use and Jean-Luc Guérin on respiratory viruses in poultry), four original oral communications in avian pathology (Marie Souvestre, Pierre Bessière, Guillaume Croville and Mattias Delpont) and two posters (Claire Guinat and Marie Souvestre).
Special mention to the performance of Pierre Bessière who received the award for the best paper on avian pathology for his work on the study of the role of the intestinal microbiota on infections by avian influenza viruses! His university doctorate is supervised by Doctor Romain Volmer.
Photo : ENVT